Our usher teams are a group of men that serves our church during worship services.
Contact: Bill Duesterbeck at 262-728-9447
Serving on Sunday
Join an Usher Team
Be a Greeter
Greeters welcome worshipers as they enter for Sunday morning services.
Contact: Deb Mortlock at 262-728-4266 -
Lectors read the selected readings during the worship services each week.
Contact: Javan Wehmeier at (262) 325-1200
Technology Team
Our Tech Team is a group that runs our Worship Screen and Sound System during our church services.
Contact: Bob Penniman at 262-740-1701 -
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for the set-up and clean-up of communion as well as the changing of the liturgical paraments.
Mix & Mingle
Each week between services we offer a fellowship hour that includes refreshments for those going to Bible Studies or those just wishing to visit with friends and family.
Contact: Deb Mortlock