
Check back here for more volunteer opportunities throughout the year. 

"Volunteers don't necessarily have the time, they have the heart" 

-Elizabeth Andrew

  • Cottage Meetings

    Join us in the next step to reveal "Our Master's Plan" for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church with School. Each cottage meeting will be facilitated by a member of the Holy Conversation committee. Notes will be taken and after each of 4 open ended questions the scribe will summarize the responses.

    Please select one date that you are available. A member of our team will reach out to you to confirm your selection.

  • Meal Train

    Michelle and Doug Britzke's son, Jackson, had surgery on March 21st. Please provide a meal if your schedule allows. 

  • Euchre Night

    Euchre will be held on the 2nd Saturday of the month starting promptly at 6:30pm. All adults are welcome to participate. Arrive at 6:20pm, bring a snack to share, and whatever you'd like to drink. Sign up today and join the fun! 

  • Coffee Fellowship

    Please consider volunteering to host a Coffee Fellowship at Our Redeemer.

    Plan to provide a sweet treat, fruit, yogurt parfaits, granola bars, juice or (whatever you choose) to about 100 people. Plates, napkins and plasticware will be available in the coffee hour cabinet. 

    At 10:15am your group can begin to clean up by emptying grounds in the trash, wash and dry coffee makers, wipe off tables, sweep floors, etc. A clean up list will be provided for you. 

    Coffee Fellowship Sign-Up:

  • Spirit of Hope (Men's Homeless Shelter)

    Meal donations needed. The shelter is open November 3, 2024 to April 25, 2025 located at Delavan United Methodist Church, 213 S. Second Street. 

    Call 262-903-9276 to verify the exact number of residents before providing food. 

    Meal Sign up: