Spiritual Growth

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

  • Discipleship begins with Baptism

    Are you interested in being baptized or having your child baptized? Speak with one our Pastors to learn how you or your child can receive God's free gift of grace through the washing of Holy Baptism.

  • Kingdom Kids Sunday School

    Kingdom Kids meet Sunday mornings from 9:25-10:15 in the Family Life Center.  Ages PK3-5th grade are welcome to attend for singing, lesson with snack, and craft.  

    To Register complete this form and return to the church office or email to Jody Schuenke. 

    To volunteer as a teacher or helper, please contact Jody Schuenke at joschuenke@yahoo.com.  

    Like "ORLCS Kingdom Kids" on Facebook to get all of our latest updates.

  • F.B.I. (Faithful Bible Investigators)

    FBI is for grades fifth through eighth. Investigators get to explore their way through the Bible!

  • Pre-confirmation instruction at Our Redeemer is a two-year program which begins in the 7th grade and concludes in the 8th grade. Students in both grades are provided a copy of the Enduring Faith workbook and a Luther’s Small Catechism. 

  • Youth Group

    Youth Group is a group for high school students that meets every Sunday between services in the Youth Room. Fellowship, snacks, and activities are a few of the perks with this Bible study.

  • Bible Study

    We offer multiple opportunities to be involved in Bible Study both on Sunday's and throughout the week. Click here to see the current list on Bible Study topics and when and where they meet.