The Our Redeemer Lutheran School Parent-Teacher League is focused on supporting the Christian education, supplemental activities, needs and programs of the School. Our Redeemer's PTL welcomes everyone’s ideas, help, and volunteering to deliver on that support.
PTL provides financial support towards:
- Academics: School technology equipment and computers, musical accessories, classroom equipment, hands-on presentations and academic fees
- Athletics: Concessions, uniforms and referee fees supporting the athletes of Our Redeemer
- Teachers: Birthday celebrations, teacher luncheons and Teacher Appreciation Week to help recognize how hard our teachers work
- All-school activities: Holiday parties, bowling parties, middle school dances and more all aimed at promoting the sense of family that resonates throughout Our Redeemer Lutheran Church with School
This financial support is only available through the generous donations received throughout the year. Mark your calendars for:
- John Zeuner Classic Boys Basketball Tournament in February
- The Holy Smoke BBQ Cook-off & Auction in May
Meet your PTL Board!
- Sarah Duesterbeck, President
- Lydia Nieuwenhuis, Vice President
- Walter Dietschweiler, Treasurer
- Kirsten Lofy, Secretary
- TBD, Member at Large
- Heather Finnegan, Teacher Liaison
- Ken Anclam, Interim Principal
PTL meetings are held five times a year (September, November, January, March, May). The meetings are open to all parents or legal guardians of PK-8th grade students, teaching staff and members of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. Meetings are announced in advance via the weekly school newsletter and are held on a variety of days in order to accommodate family schedules. Meeting agendas include important decisions regarding the education of your children, upcoming PTL events and votes on financial matters.
Our PTL does many important things for the good of our school and children, please support us in any way you are able!
If you have questions or ideas, don't hesitate to contact me. Please also be sure to follow us on Facebook! (Link it to PTL at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church with School)
Yours, in Christ,
Sarah Duesterbeck
PTL President