- During the Covid-19 outbreak, many have transitioned to online worship. Each Sunday, we stream both the 8am and 10:30 worship services. They are available to watch Here, on our Facebook Page as well as through our Youtube Channel.
- Our Church office accepting office visitors by appointment only. We encourage you to call or email Deb in the office 262-728-4266.
- Daily we offer a video devotion called the "Daily Encouragement from Our Redeemer" and broadcast through our Website and our Facebook Page. You can find all of these devotions as well as other ORLCS Videos here.
- Weekly, we offer two in person worship services with plenty of space to allow for social distancing. There are hand sanitizer stations throughout the narthex along with the offering collection in the entry way into church so no need to pass a plate. Drop off your offering, grab a squirt of hand sanitizer and find a place to sit, we are glad to have you worshipping with us.
Below are several resources for use in worship and home study. Please take time to explore each of the resources and check back regularly for additional resources that may be added.