The following Unpaid Meal Charge Policy applies to the collection of negative hot lunch account balances:
Families are encouraged to apply for free and reduced price meal benefit. The current-year Household Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals is always available in the school office or online – you can pick one up, call to have one mailed to you, download it from our website, or fill it out online at SNACS Online Application. Any family that remains in a negative balance for a period of three months will receive a written notification to encourage them to apply for free or reduced price meal benefits.
Families will be notified of the school’s Unpaid Meal Charge Policy in writing before the school year begins and with each new transfer student.
Families whose accounts are overdue will receive an email stating how much is overdue and will be asked to pay immediately. If there is no response after three months, a bill will be sent via United States Postal Service. If there is no response to the mail, telephone calls will be made to attempt to collect the funds. All delinquent accounts at the beginning of May of the current school year will be subject to collections for payment.
If a student brings money to purchase a reduced price or paid meal at the time of the meal service, the student must be provided a meal. Our Redeemer may not use the student’s money to repay previously unpaid charges if the student intended to use the money to purchase that day’s meal.
Our Redeemer may continue to attempt repayment plans and to continue pursuing collection efforts when students change schools within the district or move to a new school outside the district. When local officials determine further collection efforts for delinquent debt are useless or too costly, the debt must be reclassified as “bad debt.”